For many students, math class is a place of dread, insecurity, and anxiety because they believe they’re not “good at math,” or that they’re not “a math person.” Typical classroom instruction often does little to assuage these feelings because teachers so often focus on teaching mathematical procedures and computational skills. Good teachers instill confidence and grit in math-phobic students. But not every teacher has the time or experience to do it well.
Our team of educators at Rising Academies knows from experience that supporting students emotionally is equally important as teaching them how to solve for x. That’s why we’re working on a new AI-powered chatbot that integrates a novel tutoring approach with personalized coaching to improve students’ math skills, boost their self-confidence, and reduce math anxiety.
Our chatbot, “Rori,” can engage students in empathetic conversations about their performance, mistakes, and fears, all interwoven within core math lessons. As students use and interact with Rori, the chatbot delivers micro-lessons targeting socio-emotional skills like growth mindset, normalizing mistakes, cultural references, and real-world applications of the skills they are using. In this way, Rori mimics the skills and empathy exhibited by good teachers.
As students use and interact with Rori, the chatbot delivers micro-lessons targeting socio-emotional skills like growth mindset, normalizing mistakes, cultural references, and real-world applications of the skills they are using. In this way, Rori mimics the skills and empathy exhibited by good teachers.
Some may contend focusing on socio-emotional factors in math is extraneous or even detrimental to students. However, an extensive body of research disproves this. Studies consistently show helping students develop confidence and resilience and viewing intelligence as malleable leads to substantial achievement gains.
Here’s one example of a real-life exchange between a student and Rori:
Rori: Have you ever said something like “I’m not a math person,” or “I’m not naturally smart like someone else”?
Student: Yes, a couple of times.
Rori: It’s great that you are being honest about your feelings. Saying those things can hold us back from our potential. Do you know what a “Growth Mindset” is?
Student: No but earlier u made me understand that it’s about believing in myself.
Rori: Yes, believing in yourself is a big part of having a growth mindset. Just like muscles get stronger with exercise, your brain gets stronger with practice. Do you want to make your brain stronger?
Student: Yes, I’d like that.
Rori: That’s great! Can you choose a math topic you find difficult?
Student: For a start, simultaneous equations.
Rori: That’s a good choice! Remember, with a growth mindset you can improve at solving simultaneous equations through practice and effort. Don’t give up! Shall we get started?
Rori logs these individual conversations and refers to them periodically to deliver personalized coaching over time. If a struggling student previously expressed anxiety about getting problems wrong, Rori could circle back: “Remember when we talked about not being afraid to make mistakes? How’s that mindset working for you lately?”
This personalized feedback lays the groundwork for confidence, positive attitudes, and perseverance. In one randomized control trial of Rori, students using the chatbot outscored their peers in math by 11 percentage points. What’s more, Rori is incredibly affordable. It uses the low-bandwidth messaging app Whatsapp, so all students need is an internet connection and a device. So far, Rori has been used by over 100,000 students in Africa. By 2027, we estimate that more than a million students will use Rori.
Of course, socio-emotional coaching demands prudence. Our team has implemented safety filters to alert us when troubling conversations arise. Our goal is to create supportive coaching around healthier academic mindsets – Rori is not a replacement for counselors or engaged parents – but it has been trained by educators to reply with care in sensitive situations, and pass off to a human being when the bot is insufficiently prepared.
I believe Rori personifies a groundbreaking vision – using AI to provide every student with the supportive socio-emotional coaching that exemplifies good teaching, but which is only currently available to the most privileged.
I believe Rori personifies a groundbreaking vision – using AI to provide every student with the supportive socio-emotional coaching that exemplifies good teaching, but which is only currently available to the most privileged. It’s a solution born out of a collaboration between educators intimately aware of research-based best practices and technologists wanting to create a scalable, affordable, and effective math tutor accessible to every student.
Rori represents a significant stride toward that goal. Is Rori’s empathetic tutoring a silver bullet to systemic issues in education? Of course not. But it does show how prioritizing research-grounded innovation can deliver on the promise of an equitable and transformative learning experience for all students.